COVID-19 and Homeopathy
In the wake of COVID-19, life seems to have stopped, fear and uncertainty reigning the hours.
In these moments even though everything seems so bleak, it’s forcing people to review their perspective of life and their inner dialogues of what makes or breaks them. We have been brutally forced to realize that the pursuit of the collective good is far more beneficial than the fulfillment of individual greed.
Does Homeopathy Help During Pandemic Times?
Historically, homeopathic remedies have known to be highly successful in epidemics and pandemics.
Statistics gathered by Kellogg, Dudley and Russell in the US, from 1874 to 1877, reveal a major difference in outcomes when treated with Allopathic medication versus Homeopathic remedies.
For example, the mortality rate for homeopathic treatment of Cholera was 27% while for those treated with allopathy was 54%. This study depicts similar data trends with higher mortality rates for allopathic treatments in various epidemics/pandemics including Pneumonia, Typhus fever, and others. (source).
In 1852, Dr. Routh, a British Physician, compiled statistics from different hospitals in England, Austria and Germany, and determined an overall mortality of 4.4 % for homeopathic treatment and 10.5% for allopathic treatment.
More recently, between 2009-2010, according to Finlay Institute in Cuba, 90% of the population received homeopathic preventive medicine for respiratory diseases and influenza, including AH1N1, with successful outcomes and a significant reduction in mortality. Other diseases in Cuba were successfully healed using Homeopathy, such as Hepatitis A, Dengue, and Leptospirosis(source).
Currently, with COVID-19, there are homeopaths around the world gathering information to find the Genus Epidemicus. Genus Epidemicus is a treatment protocol devised based on a collective effort to gather the symptoms of a large group of patients in the same geographical area. Homeopaths from Iran, India, New York and other parts of US, Italy, Canada, are all sending in their cases to Jeremy Sher who is a prominent researcher and Homeopath in Africa. He and his team are collecting and analyzing data to understand the remedies that are helping. Many Homeopathic practitioners like me are a part of his advanced studies and are closely following his research. As such, we have knowledge of remedies that are helping.
Please continue the treatment your doctor recommends, and also reach out to me for a Homeopathic consult. I can recommend remedies that can help your vital force get through these difficult times. Further, due to the severity of these times, I am doing homeopathic consults for COVID-19 cases at minimal costs which get donated to Homeopathy for Health in Africa (HHA) where Jeremy Sher is doing his research.
And now with the availability of Teletherapy in most areas, getting or continuing your treatment is literally (and virtually), in your own home.