Suicide rates in the recent years are rising constantly. Why is that? Are we, as a society, failing our own people? Are we so self absorbed that we don’t see the struggles of our people? Are we choosing to numb ourselves?
Are we so far swept in the tides of our perspectives that we don’t acknowledge the other side at all or are we maintaining status quo because our shame doesn’t allow us to look them in the eye- it’s just easier to blame/ sympathize with the blood relatives?
Maneuvering Through Dark Channels
We teach shame, we teach disappointment , we teach failure, we teach a language of darkness and judgements. We don’t teach love, we don’t teach stillness, we don’t teach connection with simple sounds, smells and earth. Our connection is over a flurry of electronics with instant impatient gratification from slick images. The faster the channels the smug the dexterity.
It Is Ok To Feel
For those who can’t maneuver life into the rigid isles, there is no time. Wandering is forbidden- it is the rule of the assembly line- wake up, get to work, show your merit and get to bed. These are all rigid straight lines and everybody has to be in the perfect order. Quirkiness is a crime that’s punished with shame, with raised eyebrows and eventually a diagnosis. Pain has to be shut away. We are not a culture that likes the furrows and we especially hate the tears. Confusion is certainly an alien to the quickness city. Just musings with friends and family is a waste of time, the arts that let you be in the higher spheres of life are being eradicated from schools as funding is limited. Learning is centered around testings.
To Find the Buddha Within
Gone are the days of Daffodils, pacy dreamy is unromantic, the restless is diagnosed. We talk deficiencies, we talk inadequacies, we talk fixes, we are pragmatic. One is allowed to dream big but live smaller. Success means the shines, the glamor, the money. It ain’t the discovery of oneself, the invisible truth, the gradual chipping away of the loads of crap to find the buddha within.
Will we ever allow each his/her own Buddha “un smeared”, “un appraised” “un photoshopped”???