We live in a world of miracles with acetaminophens, ibuprofens, missiles, and torpedoes. Excuse me if my knowledge of our weapons these days is super poor. I am sure you can name plenty of superlative weapons. What bullshit!
Impulse Wreaks Havoc in the World
We are in the age where we whisk a gun out to tell a person we hate them. Why deal with the person anymore, we just end it. We whisk our guns out to say that we hate a person’s perspective and it needs to be shut down.
We are independent, strong-willed people. We take it in our hands and clear our way because life is too short for bullshit. Why tolerate thorns when we can create a bed of roses. We are the GMO age. We create the color, the texture, the flavor we want and we do it now.
We live in an impulse, we love in an impulse, we hate in an impulse, and we will create our world in an impulse.
We are the aftermath of the industrial era and we have no time. We want things done- here and now. That’s our definition of mindfulness.
In an age like this, we ain’t got no time for the mortality of man! We create the diseases of the modern age like depression, anxiety, all the autoimmune disorders – because we have an order to kill all the unnecessities; we follow an order to suppress all the unpleasantries (bacteria).
Yeah, sometimes it’s important to do that but we follow the rule religiously. We do not differentiate, we are on the assembly line. Get moving people!!!
We are also a creed that constantly watches the stock market. The worth of a man is measured by the number of stocks he owns and how cleverly he can maneuver them.
Of course, this age has no time for homeopathy where your intake is also a therapy.
Choose Personal Care vs. Meds for the Masses. Choose Nature vs. Chemicals.
We, homeopaths, inquire about the whole of you. By Whole, I literally mean the whole of you, my friends- starting from grandparents to your skin to your mind and to your farts. How cruel is that?!
We spend time matching a remedy to you as an individual, not the object on the assembly line – how weird is that?!
Our stocks are super low as we don’t recommend to you the most expensive chemicals- we simply “succuss”, “titurrate”, and “dilute” the elements from nature (plants, animals, and minerals) to the minimum possible dosage and we monitor even that when you take our remedies. How stupid we are as WE DARE TO CARE!
We want you to bloom into the person you are without ECTs and without Prozac. We understand that you are you and you are not a pariah simply because guns scare you or because you cry every time you hear about a shooting in a school or because you can feel another person’s emotions, or because your reactions are different from your neighbor’s or even the community.
We are ‘ignorant and unscientific’ because we might give you just one dosage or ask you to dilute even the tiny pill we give you. Oh yes, we also take a lot of time. We think, we analyze, we dream, we breathe, we even often stay silent or ask you the weirdest questions.
We deal with your sensations and delusions, we get to the core of who you are and your problems. We gently treat it homeopathically for days and even years sometimes.
You Can Get Healthy Naturally
So what’s the real bullshit? We live in a culture where balance is not what we know of. We go after dominance and co-existence remains foreign. We don’t understand that ibuprofens and torpedoes are a must in certain situations – but they wreak havoc when that’s all we do.
Oh shit, I forgot, the disease was supposed to go like yesterday and I have to be back on the assembly line again today!!!
No … you don’t.